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Buying real estate is about more than just finding a place to call home. 

Investing in real estate has become increasingly popular over the last fifty years and has become a common investment vehicle. 

Although the real estate market has plenty of opportunities for making big gains, buying and owning real estate is a lot more complicated than investing in stocks and bonds. At Domoï Investment, we'll go beyond buying a home and introduce you to real estate as an investment.


Basic Rental Properties

This is an investment as old as the practice of landownership. A person will buy a property and rent it out to a tenant. 
Our job is to secure you the best investment for you to get your money back within 8 to 12 years.

As the owner, the landlord, you are responsible for paying the mortgage, taxes and costs of maintaining the property. 

We will make sure that the rent  cover all of the aforementioned costs. 

A landlord may also charge more in order to produce a monthly profit, but the most common strategy is to be patient and only charge enough rent to cover expenses until the mortgage has been paid, at which time the majority of the rent becomes profit. 

Furthermore, the property may also have appreciated in value over the course of the mortgage, leaving the landlord with a more valuable asset. In that case we will make sure the rental price is at the right value and let you know if a sale opportunity comes up.
Our team will make sure you get the best advices and  will help you through the whole process.


Our work is to provide you a great investment you won’t have to worry about.


Contact Us for more information.

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